
There is a funding pool for ACX meetup expenses, particularly for new groups and ACX Everywhere events. You can use this money for food orders, supplies, venue rentals, etc. To make use of it, use the form below or contact me at If you’re unsure about a planned use of funds and want to check if it would be reimbursable, please reach out to me by email!

For larger meetups or events, we recommend applying for funding from the Long-Term Future Fund (LTFF) or the Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund (EAIF), to fund your activities over the course of a year or six months. You can apply for funding through LTFF or EAIF here.

You can use funding from these sources to:

  • Cover recurring expenses, such as venue rentals, food orders, advertising, supplies, etc.

  • Draw a salary from working part-time or full-time on meetups

  • Finance large events such as megameetups, conferences, or retreats

Despite the name, EAIF is not exclusively for Effective Altruism groups. They also accept applications from groups centered around LessWrong, AstralCodexTen, longtermism, and other related topics. I encourage you to err on the side of applying!